What makes a Vault a good investment?

What makes a Vault a good investment?

Purchasing a Vault is a good investment:

  • If you are unable to build your own storage building due to lack of acreage, city ordinances, covenants, expense or time constraints, owning a condominium is an excellent investment versus renting.
  • If you elect to finance the purchase, on a square foot basis, a mortgage payment can be competitive with rental properties.
  • A mortgage payment ends versus a rental payment, which does not.
  • No enduring rental increases or renewal hassles.
  • The property will be an asset on your personal financial statement.
  • You may experience a return on investment due to appreciation (market conditions apply).
  • Owning may offer tax benefits such as depreciation and deductible mortgage interest (consult with a tax professional).
  • Expenses for improvements can be recaptured at the time of the sale of a unit.